Amole Gupte, who was kicked about his new film Stanley Ka Dabba, has more than one reason to be anxious. Not only is this his only directorial venture, having to leave Taare Zameen Par half way, this film also launches his 10-year-old son Partho. Mumbai Mirror chats up with the little actor to find out more.
You seemed to have garnered a lot of attention for your role as Stanley. Are you nervous about your debut?
Yes, I am quite nervous
How did Stanley Ka Dabba happen?
When I was younger, dad was working on Taare Zameen Par. He had been conducting acting workshops for children, which I was interested in. So one day I asked dad if I too can come for one these workshops. I had lots of fun. From then onwards, I went to every workshop including the one happening at Holy Family school. I wasn't told about any movie though.
When did you get to know this was a workshop for a film?
One day, dad announced to everyone in the workshop that he was making a video. He didn't tell us it was a film. Only when we completed shooting, he called all of us and told us that it was a feature film.
How did you respond to that?
My heart started beating so fast. I was blown out of my mind. I got so scared. I asked him why he didn't tell us before. He did not want to affect our performances.
Do you feel like an actor?
Ummmm. Not exactly. My dad has made many short films with me. I thought this feature film was one of them.
How different are you from your character Stanley?
Actually, Stanley and I are not too different. For example (pauses)… Stanley makes up stories badha-chadha ke. If he gets a bruise, he makes up a whole story about how he got hurt. I also make up stories. When I don't do my homework, I say the dog ate it up.
Did you have to miss school to shoot Stanley Ka Dabba?
No way! Nothing has happened to affect my performance in school. I haven't missed a day. I also do my homework regularly.
source: Mumbai Mirror